Thursday, October 23, 2008

Toronto Screening!

It's the end of our second day here in Toronto. The city is really neat, most of the buildings are made out of brick, beautiful! Nick attended the opening screening last night, and learned about the politics of water. Don't buy bottled water!!!! Our film screened tonight as part of a Canadian shorts program, along with some other great films. We did our first audience Q&A afterwards too, where people wanted to know more about Dad and the process of trapping. We're really enjoying being here and the festival so far. We're looking forward to checking out more interesting films and taking in more great sights, foods and company.

Monday, October 20, 2008

next stop... T.O.

We're leaving late Tuesday night to head out to Toronto for the Planet in Focus festival. The whole family is going, including our daughters Ezra (nineteen months old) and Anya (four months old). It will be our first time in Toronto, so we're looking forward to exploring, eating and watching some great nature films. We'll update the blog when we're there.